Monday, March 15, 2010

The Waiting Game

Affirmation cards from The Creative Beast and vintage Tupperware

I want to be a person who lives their life firmly in the present. Not waiting for the future to arrive, not lamenting the past. It is a constant process of practicing.

Sometimes though, there is no denying it. Sometimes I am simply waiting. For an opportunity, for a decision, for destiny to cast it's hand.

I am continuing to dig deep and trust. Spare a thought and cross a finger for me would you, even though I can't tell you what I'm waiting for?

Oh, and sign up for the giveaway if you haven't already.


  1. Sometimes waiting is being in the present...
    Everything crossed, fingers and toes, and lots of good vibes going your way. :)

  2. I call that ...expectantly joyful.

    Living in the now with a hint of what's to come ...hold your breathe and it might arrive.

  3. What a beautiful saying. Inspirational words I know I could sure use hearing. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

  4. singing.
    opps, i spelled singing instead of signing...
    oh well.
    probably meant to be.
    singing AND signing up for your giveaway dear happy bird.
    la. la. la......

  5. I'm sending good vibes your way!! You deserve many good things.

  6. Sending you lots of love and hugs, which are always helpful when one is waiting x

  7. Positive thoughts are in the air going your way!

  8. I seem to be waiting too.
    Hang on in there. I have my fingers crossed for you.

  9. I'm hearing you...taking steps to leave my full time job to delve into more creative and personally satisfying (if not financially)pursuits. Scary, isn't it?

  10. I'm such an impatient pommie that I hate waiting (no i dont like queuing either!)....I guess one thing I am waiting for is when i can make the leap (end of April YIKES) but I cant sit still (ants are definitely in my pants) so whatever it is you are waiting for - spread your art, your word, your lovely funny self and stuff will happen. That universe will give you a gentle push let me tell you. :-)

  11. it IS hard to wait, when you have done much work, for something to come to fruition and it's not all entirely up to you for the final outcome =-\

    i find that working on other things helps keep my mind off of the "waiting game"...

    good luck with your next "Big Thing" and it will work out exactly as it's supposed to =-) i've got to sign up for your giveaway now!
