Saturday, January 8, 2011

{note to self}


One of the items on my big list is to write letters.  I decided this week that the first person I'm going to write to is myself.  I'm going to pour all my hopes and dreams, plans and schemes, advice and kindness, into a great big letter to me.  I'm going to seal it up and store it away in a safe place, and I'm going to forget about it.  Until...

...Until the end of the year.  In early December I'm going to open the letter up and I'm going to see what has come to pass.  I'm going to see what I knew now, that I didn't realise I knew {if that makes sense}.  Call it a lesson in dreaming if you will.

I want you to join me.  I want you to write a letter to yourself, and fill it up with all your heart's content.  Your wishes and your hopes for the year, your gentle advice to yourself, your reservations, your secret desires.  Write it all out and then seal it up.

When you've done that I want you to send it to me.  Yep, that's right.  Pop it in the post to:
PO Box 1107
Victoria 3071

I'm going to keep all our letters together.  All our dreams and our hopes, held tightly together in one place.  Sealed up in their own envelopes but connected to a bigger whole.  Holding each other throughout the year.  In the first week of December I'll post your letter back to you. {make sure your return address is clearly marked on the envelope so I can send it back to you}

If you'll join me then shoot me an email {address on my contact page} with 'NOTE TO SELF' in the subject line.  You don't need to put anything in the body of the email.  That way I'll know it's on its way to me.  Have your letters in the post to me no later than Friday 14th January.


This year feels like it's off to the most incredible start.  It feels so big and amazing, and already so different.  I am so full of dreams and plans, so much so that I feel overwhelmed with the possibility of them.  It's hard to believe that I'm big enough for these ideas that are coursing through my veins at the moment.

I was listening to a recording by Jen Lemen yesterday and she talked about "knowing who I was and who I was meant to be in the world".  That's exactly how I'm feeling.  I just have to be brave enough to trust it.  To trust that these things are meant for me.  That I am more than enough to take this journey.  And to share it with you.


  1. this is such a gorgeous idea, really Cathy you have the most beautiful soulx

  2. Top idea Cathy, but I'll pass on the letter writing for now! I'm finding reading your blog each day totally inspiring ... Thanks Heaps and keep the good vibes coming please Darling :)

  3. What an outstanding pursuit! That's such a fabulous idea...and I hope it yields positive experiences for all involved.
