Tuesday, October 12, 2010

{good news, not great news, a check in & a challenge - blogtoberfest day XII}

I'll start with the good news.  I have winners from the giveaway.  The first winner is Car from Carrose Creations.  I'm guessing that Car might actually wish she was in the USA at the moment instead of rainy QLD.  Car's choice of painting was Blooming so it will be off to her shortly.  (Car, you'll have to email me your address)

The second person drawn was Brianna from Rolling in Fabric.  Brianna's a girl after my own heart suggesting she'd like to live in France and see the Tour de France.  Brianna was happy to win either painting so she'll be receiving Blossoming.  (Email me your address too Brianna)

Congrats to both of you.  It makes me really happy to share my original work with people.


Now, the not so great news.  The Northern Craft Bonanza is unfortunately on hold until further notice.  Chair 14 have kindly been staying open for us especially on a Thursday night, and they are no longer able to do it.  So my crafty friends, we are homeless.

Before I go ahead and start looking for a new home for the group I'm looking for 2 volunteers to help me run the bonanza.  There's not much work involved.  I'm just looking for a couple of people who will help me find a new venue, share responsibility for being there on a regular basis, be a contact point for the venue and help keep people informed about any news or updates on the NCB.  If you'd be willing to help out shoot me an email at tinniegirl(at)optusnet(dot)com(dot)au.

Stay tuned for an update on the future of the NCB in coming weeks.


Now that we've got through the business of this post, how are you?

How are you traveling with Blogtoberfest?  Are you having fun?  Are you finding new blogs that you like, new people to connect with?  I've only made it to number 30 on the list so far, but I like to really stop and have a good look around when I visit.  I'm definitely a quality over quantity kind of girl.  I like to pull up a comfy chair, have a cuppa and get to know people a bit.  I'm definitely aiming to stop by all 265 blogs on the list throughout the month.

If you haven't signed up and you want to, it's never to late.

Thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterday's post.  I really appreciate them.


And last, but not least, a challenge for you.  Karin from Sum of Mum had a great suggestion.  She thought it would be fun to get everyone to post a self-portrait.  

So I'm declaring tomorrow self-portrait day.  If you want to join in then post a self-portrait for us.  I'll put a linky list up so that we can see who is playing along.  

If you're feeling a bit shy about it you might interpret the idea creatively and show us an aspect of yourself.  Or maybe you'll show us your face.  I remember being very shy about showing my face on my blog when I first started out.  Now?  Not so much...

See you tomorrow peeps.  Perhaps literally as well as figuratively....


  1. oh how annoying about ncb. i was so looking forward to the distraction form exams ha ha.
    i'll definitely be on the listen out for what the plans are in the future.
    a self-portrait sounds like the perfect procrastinatory exercise! now if only i could find some artistic skills ha ha!
    good luck with getting through the list!

  2. That's so weird! I just tried to take some self portraits wearing my new dress thisafternoon. Not sure if any of them are blog worthy...so I might need to retreat back to an old one!

  3. Well I already have a pic of myslef on my blog, two actually! Maybe I will post another just to show off lol! CONGRATS! to Car and Brianna, they are gorgeous giveaways to treasure.

  4. I'm currently looking for new business premises, so there may be an option there for the NCB, depending on what I find.

  5. Oh, poo! And I had Thursday's babysitting all lined up! Wanna do it at my house? haha No more mustard for us! Ooh, not doing well through the list, but now following a couple of newbies. How's the househunting going? If you need more boxes....there's a few nice houses around in Yarraville, can't wait for my lease to be up! I'll be back there in a flash!

  6. AWESOME NEWS! Well the part about me winning a tinniegirl original, thanks so much, I'm excited!!,

    Not so good news about the northern craft bonanza :( hood you can find a place soon!

  7. Still enjoying playing along. Would like to join in with the self portrait, but not so sure. We'll see. Yes enjoying meeting new people. Congratulations to the winners.

  8. I'll be sure to participate in a self portrait.On my xenabonjovi one

  9. Blogtoberfest has been wonderful! I've met so many new people and discovered so many new blogs ... it's been great!

    I think it's also re-invigorated my blog writing ... so it's been a win-win month for me so far! :D

  10. Ya! That is me! Thank you so much Cathy.
    I'll be sure to play tomorrow as well.

  11. I think self portraits would be cool. Hmmm...that means I have to do my hair and makeup, ha ha.

  12. Oh please do get through all the blogs! I am way down the list as a late starter. Will be back tomorrow to see what fun portraits people put up :-)

  13. really? a self portrait... I better get ready "Hair, makeup where are you?"

  14. Ha ha!! Well gee I guess if it's my idea and all, I'd better participate! Must. Go. Take. Shower. :-)

    So sorry about your craft bonanza needing a new home - If I was in Melbourne I'd definitely join you and help out. You could always move to Canberra! ;-)

    Congratulations to the winners, what lovely wins too!

    As usual, my internet connection is stinky so I haven't been able to open pages but let this not prevent me from Blogtoberfestering!
