Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Like

Icecream on a rainy day
Second breakfast
Cuddles with cats
Afternoon baths


  1. I like all those things too :) And my girl is *especially* fond of second breakfast!

  2. Yes some of the best icecream moments I've had have been mid-winter :-)

  3. I have eaten ice-cream in snow and -18oC. It can never be too cold or rainy for such things. Hope you have enjoyed that last day of your very short break!

  4. Just had to let you know that there are a few 'weird' people out there who don't like ice-cream.....and I'm one of them. But you go ahead and have as much as you like!

  5. Oh yes, second breakfast is one of my favourites, closely followed by third breakfast. In fact I could disband lunch and dinner entirely!

  6. Dont forget, raindrops on rainbows and whiskers on kittens !

  7. Aha. But how about ice cream in the bath while reading a can't-put-down book? You should try it.

    (And if I have things right and tomorrow is the first day of the new job, then go get 'em girl!)

  8. Hehe I'm a hobbit too, 2nd and 3rd breakfast (or brunch and lunch as others call) rate very highly in my household. Were you in the 'ville today? Hope tomorrows good, and you meet heaps of crafty types!

  9. Hehe I'm a hobbit too, 2nd and 3rd breakfast (or brunch and lunch as others call) rate very highly in my household. Were you in the 'ville today? Hope tomorrows good, and you meet heaps of crafty types!

  10. Me too except maybe the cuddles with cats

  11. I'm with Cass - not so fond of my cat malting (is that how you spell it) his hair all over me, but love the rest!
    Good luck for the big day tomorrow.

  12. Sounds about perfect to me. Wish I was home cuddling with Rosy right now... well, except it's too hot for cuddling. ;-)

  13. This ice cream looks really yum...I LOVE ice cream any where;)
    Bath they seem to be replaced by shower since my two little ladies arrived in my world!
    Obviously you started a new job today? So hope it all went well for you.

  14. I miss cuddling up with my Harry Cat - there is nothing quite like cat love. My email is: chooksrus4 at gmail dot com

    I've been slow sending out the goodies...

  15. and a nana nap after the afternoon bath.
    Hope it went well today

  16. Hope your first day was super special and everything you thought it would be

  17. I LOVE an afternoon bath. Our new house doesn't have a bath. What am I going to do when I'm a little bit bored/a little bit tired/a little bit cold/a little bit tense?

  18. ohhh cute post!! i love gelato icecream anytime!....
    i could eat breakfast foods anytime of the day ....cereal just before bed! awesome!

  19. I'm all for second breakfasts...hell I could have them for lunch and dinner!

  20. I'd like that, too. All of it. It screams DAY OFF to me, and sounds like heaven.

    All the best for the new job.

  21. All great items to like. I especially like the baths!
    Hope you are doing well.
    Cheers Kyla

  22. Ice cream's not my thing .... but a watermelon smoothie , a good book and total silence for a hour is !

  23. MMmmmmmm, is that pistachio icecream? I want some.
