Monday, August 17, 2009

One Down

This sweet angel and her lovely companions will be making their debut at the Made n' Thornbury market in just over 2 short weeks. I've got some stitching and gluing to do. Oh, and a new full time job to get my head around, a 3 day trip to Sydney and a whole other series of collages that have hit a major snag half way through.

OK, Breathe, embrace the busyness and follow the shining lead of this awesome super woman.


  1. She's lovely...gosh it's all happening at your place...but sounds like you're enjoying the pace...take care....

  2. Gosh, I didn't realise I had super-powers...!?

    Sometimes you just have to bite off more than you can chew and CHEW LIKE HELL.... You'll look back with amazement at how much you've achieved.

    I'll look forward to seeing you and your gorgeous work at the market.

  3. Whoa there Multi-Tasking Supremo! Looking forward to hearing all about it once you're safely out the other side...!

  4. Very nice my friend! Good luck with everything... and can't wait to hear about your market successes!

  5. MnT is only two weeks away?! You've just killed me. Lucky I've got Mum's crafty bits to plump up my scraggly stall.

  6. Busy, busy!! Just think of the results after ALL this hard work!

  7. wishing you all the success in the world

  8. may the force be with you...for you have great power within too. (:

  9. I don't know how you manage to achieve so much Tinniegirl. I am still trying to fold the washing from a week ago and there you are with a new job and a host of angels.

    I think this one is very beautiful indeed! I can't wait to see her campanions at the market.

  10. She looks so beautiful with all of her final details.... not long to go!

  11. Yay , the market is on again.
    If you weren't busy you'd be wondering how to fill your days(and the breaks wouldn't be so wonderful!)
    Busy is GOOD!!!!
