Friday, February 12, 2010

Things I'm Diggin'

This amazing collage that Kat from I Saw You Dancing made for me. Kat's made of the good stuff I tell you. She's super talented and big-time brave. Go and check out her Mondo Beyondo list. Talk about knowing how to dream big, live large and put it all out there. I felt so inspired reading her list.

The Northern Craft Bonanza. Our crafty group is really growing wings. Such good people and such a lovely, relaxing time. I'm already looking forward to being back there soon.

Finishing work today. I am officially a free woman for 3 whole weeks.

Ms L. I wouldn't be going on my trip if it wasn't for Ms L saying 'go for it, no seriously go for it'. She's encouraged, coaxed and supported me every step of the way. I'm going to miss her so much while I'm away. It's been a long time since we've spent a big chunk of time apart and I'll miss sharing this adventure with her first hand. Gina at Clutterpunk wrote the most beautiful post about the vulnerability that comes with being in love. It's stayed with me that post. Gina always gets me thinking.

Anthropologie, Gap and Levi's. Hello America, I'm ready to shop.

The cool change. I am so washed out from a week of not sleeping properly.

Counting the sleeps. We're down to 4 peeps.

How about you? What are you diggin'?


  1. What a lovely gift!

    It's getting seriously close now...

  2. I'm also diggin' the cool change. I moved to melbourne to get away from the humidity. Bleurgh. But this cooler weather? Bliss!

    Also, my true love is back home after a night away. I'm really happy about that!

  3. awww, gorgeous gift for a gorgeous gal!
    exciting....oooohhhhh, how can you even sleep thinking about it.

  4. Gosh it's all happening for you & the trip!! You're surrounded by ace people, things can only go swimmingly. Very excited for you, love Posie

  5. I am so excited for you ... I know you'll have the best time and I can't wait to see the new places the trip takes your art.

  6. What an amazing gift. :)

    What am I digging... hmm... splashing in BIG puddles (yes, I'm a child at heart)! Friends. My own Mondo Beyondo list. The cool change and the thought of rolling into my comfy bed minutes from now, and being able to wrap myself with the quilt without melting. *Magic*. Making others happy. Working on my uni assignment when I get up. My skates. All the cool and inspiring images, quotes and scribbles on the wall next to me. Sharing all this.

    Have a fantastic trip! :)

  7. Oooooo, 4 sleeeeeeeps!!! Tooo exciting!!!!!!

  8. Awwwww! Thanks so much, my lovely one!
    I'm still so thrilled that you liked my wee gift.
    Hard to believe there are less than four sleeps now. So unbelievably exciting! Can't wait to hear about your adventures and the things you learn. Be sure to post lots of pics of your creations when you return.
    Travel safely.
    Kat xx
    PS Can't wait to see your Mondo Beyondo list too.

  9. im diggin that im gonna be meetin you soon girlfriend.
    sSOOOOOsoooo very soon.
    love it.
    hearts to you!

  10. Ooh, I'm diggin the word 'diggin' and your comments blurb and your header (have I already told you that? Worth saying again!) and the potential to ONE DAY be free on a Thursday evening! I'm also diggin that you remember that post I wrote... back atcha TG.
