Friday, August 28, 2009

A + B + (X x Z) = T

If A = new job and B = dreaded lurgy
then X = car broken down and Z = day-to-day responsibility

so T can only = THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY

Stay tuned for next week when we add C = 3 day business trip and Y = market stall.

Roll up! Roll up! Visit Made n' Thornbury on Saturday 5th September and see the spectacular Tinniegirl spontaneously combust.


  1. Will try to get to the market on Saturday!

  2. I've got some rolls of old wallpaper to throw on the flames if you would like.See you at the Market goin' off!!!

  3. Wow, if only I could make it... not often you get to see spontaneous combustion around these parts :-) I hope the market goes really well for you Cathy. And that you're over the lurgy by then.

  4. Lord girl what a week you've had...and you can still do complex mathematical calculations! Take care and hope you get to do a bit of resting over the weekend...

  5. You just cracked me up and nearly made me spit my coffee all over the screen.
    Please don't spontaneously combust!

  6. Sorry, you lost me. Instead of doing my Year 11 maths exam (algebra algebra algebra) I read ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’. Next time, I'd consider something with more pace to see me through three hours in a cold and too quiet school hall. But right now, I'd quite like a nana nap. Which I gather may be sound advice for you too. Just while you can.

  7. Ah, I thought A = alarm didn't go off, B = missing child's shoe, X = running late for kindergarten and Z = traffic jam on the freeway and T = Tetchy mother. I guess that's the beauty of algebra!

    I hope you have a better weekend. I also hope to make it to market next week. I'll bring a fire extinguisher!!

  8. Yes thank god it's friday indeed. I even managed to get to the post office though how I did, I'm not sure as I had to get them to pull one parcel out three times while I changed it from normal post, to registered, to express, to insured...dear oh dear. Anyway, your goodies are on their way. New jobs are always exhausting don't you think? Hope you can have a restful weekend.

  9. Phew, lucky I persevered with maths at school....but that was a long time ago now!

    Does one have to live in Thornbury to be a stallholder at Made in Thornbury market? How big is it?

  10. Yep - bring on the weekend - what a week it's been for me too! (PS Got your email and sounds great but haven't replied yet....)

  11. And I always thought there would never be a use for my high school algebra!

  12. Too much maths for me! Good luck with the market.

  13. oh dear, hang in there. :)

    p.s. thanks so much for your kind words about our invites!

  14. haha who doesnt love Friday right?? hope the new job is going well...i hope to find a new job soon!!!
    how did the market go??

  15. Hope the weekend was kind to you and that the market prep is going well.
