Kicking starting my new year with the Soul Business Sessions co-hosted by Beth Nicholls and Kelly Rae Roberts. For years I've struggled to create a business plan for myself using traditional notions of business and planning. I'm so excited for what this course will hold for me and my fledgling enterprise. It feels like the timing is perfect.
CurlyPops latest endeavour. I'm going to post my answers to the questions tomorrow. Please join in and help this important cause.
Andrea's trip to Mexico. I can remember how long she's been talking about wanting to paint and I'm so excited that she's taking this bold step.
Feeling strong and grounded and more certain as I make my way into this new year.
Putting my custom 'word of the year' paintings out there into the world. I'm crazy proud of these babies.
Ok, I'm off to my favourite art shop to buy supplies.
Have a lovely weekend peeps!
Thanks so much for joining in the blogging challenge!