Tuesday, September 21, 2010

{on weeds}

In The Weeds

What is a weed,
but a plant whose virtue
has not yet been discovered
                              Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Great picture! I love the look on your cat's face. What do they say in the ad?'Priceless'

  2. Exactly! Besides - you can put that weed in a soup and call it dinner!

    Love the photo.

  3. That is such a cute kitty! I love the art over in the sidebar!! Lovely lovey lovey!


  4. Oh, I have a whole garden of undiscovered virtues!

    I just love that photo - its gorgeous.

  5. weeds-weeds-weeds
    this summer I was asked to be in a garden walk and the first thing I asked was have you seen my garden. it is very natural and I encourage plants that other people call weeds. And the second thing I said was what you see is what you get. but on the day of the walk people seemed to really like our small natural area and I also hung out yarn and shawls that I had knitted out of yarns dyed with jewel weed and queen annes lace and golden rod and others. so a weed is only a weed in the eye of the beholder

  6. So cute!

    Funny, I read that same quote just a few days ago in a permaculture gardening book... So very true.


  7. And perfect cover for some pretend tiger prowling...!

  8. I have been eating weeds all year and I haven't as much as had to take a Panadol even once. I did a wild foods course and learned all about what's good for what ails us. The biggest change in myself that now, when I am tired or sore or have PMS, I google which weeds to eat or make tea from instead of going to the chemist to buy something manufactured in a petroleum-fueled science lab, totally dislocated from nature.
