Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Festive Goodness Continues

High Tea with Ms L and Mumsy

and back to things starting with P

I can't believe I forgot to add my pretty Pocket from Beccasaurus to yesterday's list.

I'm keeping my birthday pocket money from Mumsy in it.


  1. Looks like I have missed a bunch since I've been away! Happy Birthday Cathy! SO nice to see that smile... Glad to see you are savoring this very special time...xo

  2. Sounds like you've had a wonderful birthday. you deserve it. Hope the coming year is a wonderful one for you.

  3. dear happy little bird!
    sending birthday wishes from across the waters
    straight to your heart
    late, but that just makes the goodness last longer...
    (im late to everything.)
    so happy to see you in pig tails a few posts down....that made me smile wide!
    tea looks like it was simple wonderful and "mumsy"? honestly? that is the CUTEST term going down in my books right next to "post".
    love you dear friend.

  4. YUMMMMO. A great start to another fabulous year for you my lovely. So funny my mum refers to herself as mumsy and now that's what i call her. lol xxx

  5. Oh I really like your festival! will sniff in my cupboards :)x
