Monday, March 30, 2009

We Have Ourselves Some Winners

de in da light wins Barry and Whippet Good takes Bing. I hope you enjoy your Luckies and have lots of fun making collages. Email me your addresses so I can pop them in the post to you sometime soon.

Sorry for the lack lustre post here. Unfortunately I'm not such a winner. I seem to have brought home a nasty virus from somewhere. I've been asleep all day and have no energy whatsoever. I'll be back when the fog lifts.


  1. Tinniegirl, I think I have the same lurgy - I woke up feeling pretty ordinary this morning and with runny nose... ugh, I feel your pain. I would love it if you could email me the Living Creatively newsletter, how exciting! Thank you, I didn't know at all ... but my blog stats shot up so it was clear something was happening, I just had no idea what. I'm - can't wait to get it!

  2. Hope ur fog lifts soon...take care..

  3. Oh no! I hope you get better really really soon.
    Lots of chicken soup for you!

  4. hope you are up and about soon Cathy!!! Your body wants you to slow down a bit after such a busy time lately!!!

  5. Oh no, oh no, oh no! I hope it wasn't from me. I wasn't well on the weekend, but I didn't think I'd still be contagious!

    Lots of hot tea, chicken soup and SLEEP is prescribed. You poor thing.

  6. Rest up and get better soon Cathy.
    Sleep... yes sleep is good.

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Lovely to catch up with you again.

  8. Oh no! i'm sorry you're not feeling well either, lots of rest, tea and chocolate... that should fix just about anything :)

    Congratulations to your giveaway winners, i know they're in for a real treat!


  9. Thanks Tinnie for pulling my name out the hat! My email is on the blink at the moment, so I can't give you my address just yet. Hot lemon and honey drink and lots of rest is good.

  10. Oooooh how exciting, thanks TG! Email on it's way to you today. Hope you feel better soon
    xx D
